
Economic Development in the Katahdin Region

The Katahdin region is home to resilient communities, abundant natural resources, and innovative ideas that create opportunities for businesses, residents, and investors. In conjunction with the Katahdin Region Development Board, we collaborate with public and private partners to promote the community-based work that spurred from the closure of the former paper mills. Communities have dedicated time and resources to be fully engaged in creating an economically vibrant region; we build off of that work by coordinating efforts and fostering partnerships. With forest products, tourism, emerging technologies and education at the center of redevelopment in the Katahdin region, we provide strategic and individualized support to help you:

  • Expand, relocate or start a business
  • Invest in workforce training and development
  • Find lending and other funding streams for your business or municipality
  • Refer to partner organizations for additional resources
  • Provide counseling and technical assistance

To take advantage of these services, contact

This endeavor is funded by the Penobscot County Commissioners, thanks to revenue generated by the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and TIF funds. Our main office is located at the Katahdin Higher Education Center in East Millinocket. The Center has a long and impressive history in the region; for many years they provided access to resources, training and education to dislocated mill workers. Today it continues to play a vital role as a hub for community revitalization efforts, while still providing training and certification programs to connect people with jobs in Maine’s growing industries.

Business Resources

  • Business Services: Our Business Needs Assessment identifies ways we can best help. When you take our assessment, a team member will reach out to you as soon as possible to set up a conversation and create a plan for success.
  • Workforce: Our Workforce Team offers individualized services and training to people and employers, helping them identify goals and create a plan for their future. We provide support each step of the way, including in follow up.
  • Regional Planning: As a Regional Planning Commission for Penobscot and Piscataquis counties, we provide communities with specialized technical assistance and information on subdivisions, land use, comprehensive planning, and business growth strategies.
  • Commercial Real Estate: Check out the Maine Prospector tool to find available commercial properties in the Katahdin Region.

The Katahdin Region Development Board

  • Directors
    • Charlie Pray, Millinocket
      Chair, Retired Legislature
    • Jutta Beyer, Mt. Chase
      Vice Chair, Town Manager of Island Falls
    • Deb Rountree, East Millinocket
      Secretary, Executive Director of Rural Development Initiatives, Katahdin Higher Education Center
    • Gail Albert, Patten
      Town Manager of Patten
    • Nate Richardson, Patten
      Owner of Richardson’s Hardware, Patten
    • Steve Stanley, Medway
      Former County Commissioner
    • Tracey Perry, Millinocket
      Katahdin Collaborative
    • Donna Davidge, Island Falls
      Sewall House, Island Falls
  • Ex Officio Members
    • Lee Umphrey, Bangor
      President & CEO, EMDC
    • Amy Collinsworth, Millinocket
      Economic Development Director for the Katahdin Region, Katahdin Region Development Board & EMDC

Strategic Partners

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