Maine to get $200 million for more than 100 state projects
Posted on March 11, 2022 | News
Fox 23, WGME
PORTLAND (WGME) — Maine is getting more than $200 million for more than 100 projects in the state.
Senator Susan Collins says the money is for 105 projects across Maine, including things like wastewater upgrades, renovations in health care facilities and more.
Here is a list of projects that will receive funding:
Livermore Falls Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project
Location: Livermore Falls
Amount: $1,700,000
Purpose: To upgrade the wastewater treatment facility that serves the towns of Livermore Falls and Jay (Franklin County). Upgrades are needed to address structural deficiencies with the primary clarifiers, chlorine contact chambers, sludge holding tanks, and to improve safety.
Androscoggin Home Healthcare Palliative Care and Hospice Fellowship
Recipient: Androscoggin Home Health Services, Inc. (Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice)
Location: Lewiston
Amount: $150,000
Purpose: To provide interprofessional education and training of nurse practitioners and physician fellows in hospice and palliative care.
Spurwink Renovation of Old Lisbon Road Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Recipient: Spurwink
Location: Lewiston
Amount: $366,000
Purpose: To renovate the intermediate care facility to better serve individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Central Maine Medical Center Paralysis Rehabilitation Expansion Project
Recipient: Central Maine Healthcare Corporation
Location: Lewiston
Amount: $948,000
Purpose: To purchase capital equipment and support renovations for post-acute care rehabilitative therapy services.
Tri-County Mental Health Services Veterans Community Outreach
Recipient: Tri-County Mental Health Services, Inc.
Location: Lewiston
Amount: $25,000
Purpose: To support the continuation of veterans’ outreach activities related to accessing mental health and substance use disorder care, rehabilitation, and other health services.
Auburn Public Safety Building
Recipient: City of Auburn
Location: Auburn
Amount: $2,500,000
Purpose: To renovate and expand the Auburn Fire Department to co-locate all critical safety elements, including Fire, Police, and Emergency dispatch services in to one facility. A centralized public safety building will improve critical communication between all aspects of the city’s safety services.
Livermore Falls – State Route 17 Reconstruction
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Livermore Falls
Amount: $4,000,000
Purpose: To reconstruct a section of State Route 17 to address deficiencies with safety, mobility, pavement structure, drainage, pedestrian access, ADA-compliance, bicycle access, and parking. The project would improve travel times and safety for traffic to and from the Androscoggin Mill in Jay.
Safe Voices Building Improvement
Recipient: Safe Voices
Location: Lewiston
Amount: $394,000
Purpose: To support the renovation of a resource center in downtown Lewiston that supports victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking.
Bates Mill #5 Cleanup
Recipient: City of Lewiston
Location: Lewiston
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: For the removal of asbestos and the replacement of the roof of the historic Bates Mill #5 Building. Final renovation of this mill site would bring further economic development to downtown Lewiston.
Washburn Public Safety Building
Recipient: Town of Washburn
Location: Washburn
Amount: $750,000
Purpose: To support construction of a new Public Safety building to house the Fire and Police Departments in the Town of Washburn. The current building is more than 100 years old and is inadequate to house critical town safety equipment. The current Police Department consists of three full-time officers sharing one small office in the building, which also houses the Town Office and is not adequate for any of these uses.
Town of Frenchville Fore Main and Pump Station Upgrade
Location: Frenchville
Amount: $247,000
Purpose: To replace 3,200 feet of force main and upgrade the pump station serving Frenchville and St. Agatha.
Aroostook Mental Health Services Expansion of Residential Treatment Facility
Recipient: Aroostook Mental Health Services, Inc.
Location: Presque Isle
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To support the construction of a facility to expand capacity for residential substance use disorder treatment.
Northern Maine Community College Mechanized Logging Operations Training Program
Recipient: Northern Maine Community College
Location: Presque Isle
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To purchase equipment and develop curriculum for Northern Maine Community College’s Mechanized Logging Operations program. This successful program has placed graduates into well-paying logging careers by providing training with the latest technology to meet the industry’s needs. Students learn hands-on while operating highly technical, industry-standard equipment with field instructors.
University of Maine Pediatric and Obstetric Mobile and Stationary Simulators for Nursing Education and Training
Recipient: University of Maine System
Location: UMS reach with particular import in Aroostook County (UMPI and UMFK)
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To purchase a pediatric and obstetric mobile simulator and simulator equipment to support health care workforce training. This equipment will help increase clinical training capacity in these specialties, and train critically-needed nurses in rural communities. The $1 million request will purchase and outfit a 40-foot mobile simulation unit with high-fidelity pediatric and infant simulators, a high-fidelity birthing manikin and virtual reality equipment and headsets to maximize and standardize the clinical learning experience. The van will provide a full-scale simulation center with two rooms that mimic a hospital room, a control room to operate the technology, and a debriefing space. The van will travel through the UMaine system, but is a critical need for nursing students at UMaine-Presque Isle and UMaine-Fort Kent.
Fish River Rural Health-Madawaska Community Health Center
Recipient: Fish River Rural Health
Location: Madawaska
Amount: $200,000
Purpose: To purchase equipment to support continuity of health care operations during power outages.
Northern Maine Community College Expansion of Safety Training for Wind Turbine Technicians
Recipient: Northern Maine Community College
Location: Presque Isle
Amount: $988,000
Purpose: To expand technical and safety workforce training for wind turbine technicians by hiring additional faculty and acquiring and installing instructional technology and safety equipment. Through a collaborative effort with Maine Maritime Academy, Northern Maine Community College proposes to become an international training provider in the wind power industry, supporting this growing workforce in the Northeast.
Aroostook County Action Program Mobile Unit
Recipient: Aroostook County Action Program Inc. (ACAP)
Location: Aroostook County/ Presque Isle
Amount: $643,000
Purpose: To purchase a mobile unit to extend access to critical health care, oral health, nutrition, and behavioral health services currently offered by ACAP and community partners.
Walkable Houlton Project
Recipient: Town of Houlton
Location: Houlton
Amount: $732,000
Purpose: To repair and replace sidewalks, make improvements to the Gateway Crossing Pedestrian Bridge, and expand on Houlton’s Downtown Sidewalk Project.
Northern Maine Railroad Improvements
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Aroostook County
Amount: $12,960,000
Purpose: To upgrade the Presque Isle and Houlton Lines and the Maine Northern Railroad mainline from Millinocket to Scopan Township, allowing for 25 mile per hour speeds. Increases in both speed and capacity will improve freight rail service and serve more commercial entities in northern Maine.
Presque Isle – Route 1 Reconstruction
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Presque Isle
Amount: $1,200,000
Purpose: To provide preliminary engineering funding for improvements to a two-mile stretch US Route 1 (Main St) in Presque Isle.
Loring Economic Development Infrastructure Project
Recipient: Loring Development Authority of Maine
Location: Limestone
Amount $3,100,000
Purpose: To make roadway improvements and demolish substandard, blighted structures at Loring Commerce Centre.
Harrison Food Bank & Community Center
Recipient: Harrison Food Bank
Location: Harrison (serves Cumberland and Franklin counties)
Amount: $388,888
Purpose: To complete the renovation of the Harrison Food Bank and Community Center. This is the largest food bank in the State of Maine, serving 500 low-income families from 92 towns per week. With the support of this investment, the Center will facilitate classes, public meetings, dinners, and veterans’ services. The space may also be suitable as a shelter for the town of Harrison in emergency situations.
Satellite Chipset Computer Science Learning Module
Recipient: Educate Maine
Location: Portland
Amount: $400,000
Purpose: For a STEM education program to introduce Maine students to satellite chipset data collection and analysis capabilities to address scientific questions. This programming includes a competition for student science projects to ride on a future rocket launch.
United Way of Greater Portland Childcare Workforce & Entrepreneurship Initiative
Recipient: United Way of Greater Portland
Location: Portland
Amount: $95,000
Purpose: To help new childcare entrepreneurs in the Portland area open their own sustainable childcare businesses with the necessary training and investment to succeed. A strong childcare system will help working parents and parents seeking to complete or continue their education.
Bridgton Sewer Main Extensions
Recipient: Town of Bridgton
Location: Bridgton
Amount: $1,400,000
Purpose: To extend Bridgton’s sewer system to serve additional residents. If extended, the system would service up to 181 residential homes, 270 residential units in multi-family dwellings, nine existing businesses employing over 100 employees, and a new commercial building with six units.
Maine Community College System Accelerated and Expanded Manufacturing Training
Recipient: Southern Maine Community College
Location: South Portland
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To acquire a mobile welding training lab for use by the Maine Community College System through all seven colleges. This lab would provide welding skill instruction and in-demand job training for workers and trainees at locations convenient to them throughout the state.
University of New England Institute for Interprofessional Education and Practice
Recipient: University of New England
Location: Portland
Amount: $5,000,000
Purpose: To support health care workforce training by expanding the University of New England’s Institute for Interprofessional Education and Practice. Maine is experiencing a shortage of healthcare professionals. The project aims to help the University develop new models for interprofessional education, clinical practice, and research needed for healthcare education and practice.
Center for Nursing Innovation at Saint Joseph’s College
Recipient: Trustees of Saint Joseph’s College
Location: Standish
Amount: $810,000
Purpose: To expand nursing workforce training by supporting the construction of a Simulated Hospital and Home Health Floor at St. Joseph’s Center for Nursing Innovation.
University of Maine Teacher Residency Program
Recipient: University of Maine System
Location: Gorham
Amount: $989,000
Purpose: To expand an immersive year-long teacher internship program for university students to serve elementary and secondary students. The collaboration across the University of Maine System will help address the teacher shortages in Maine.
Maine Virtual Dental Home Pilot Project
Recipient: Harry E. Davis Partnership for Children’s Oral Health (Yarmouth)
Location: Serving patients in Kennebec, Somerset, Aroostook, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Oxford, Franklin, and Waldo Counties.
Amount: $650,000
Purpose: To support the launch of a network of virtual dental homes serving eight rural counties in Maine. This pilot project will engage community partners, including non-profit dental centers, federally qualified health centers, and Head Start programs, to expand the delivery of dental care to children in Maine.
Milestone Recovery’s Detoxification Program
Recipient: Milestone Recovery
Location: Portland
Amount: $690,000
Purpose: To support Milestone’s substance use services, including the establishment of an Intensive Outpatient Program.
Maine Medical Center Modernization of Hybrid Operating Rooms
Recipient: Maine Medical Center
Location: Portland
Amount: $3,000,000
Purpose: To support the construction, modernization, and expansion of operating rooms at Maine Medical Center.
Best Buddies in Maine Inclusion Project for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Recipient: Best Buddies International, Inc.
Location: Cumberland
Amount: $331,000
Purpose: To support instructional services for middle and high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Peer Support Services for Grieving Children, Teens, and Families of Maine
Recipient: The Center for Grieving Children
Location: Portland
Amount: $264,000
Purpose: To support peer support groups for grieving children, who are at higher risk of a range of problems, including traumatic prolonged grief and depression, lower educational attainment, and accidental death or suicide.
Red Cross of Northern New England Blood Supply Improvements
Recipient: American Red Cross, Northern New England Region
Location: Portland
Amount: $871,000
Purpose: To make repairs and improvements to the blood collection and distribution facilities.
Professional Development and Curriculum Creation for Low Income, Minority, and English Language Learner Students
Recipient: LearningWorks
Location: Portland
Amount: $150,000
Purpose: To fund a comprehensive teacher training and curriculum development program to improve academic outcomes for low-income, minority, and English Language Learning students.
Youth and Family Outreach Early Childhood Educational Development
Recipient: Youth and Family Outreach
Location: Portland
Amount: $515,000
Purpose: To acquire educational equipment, curriculum, and materials for early childhood classrooms and outdoor developmental play spaces, and to expand early childhood education services.
Maine College of Art Community E-Learning Initiative
Recipient: Maine College of Art
Location: Portland
Amount: $357,000
Purpose: To expand online courses at the Maine College of Art with offerings of both credit-bearing and non-credit-bearing courses to students of all ages, including Maine residents who otherwise would not have access to these learning opportunities.
Customs and Border Protection Facility
Recipient: Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority
Location: Brunswick
Amount: $500,000
Purpose: To design, permit, and construct a Customs and Border Protection facility enabling aircraft operators to land at the Brunswick airport, clear customs, and continue on to their destination.
America’s Volunteer Driver Center
Recipient: ITNAmerica
Location: Westbrook
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To support America’s Volunteer Driver Center work with the Federal Transport Administration (FTA) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to build a national coalition, in participation from industry and philanthropy, for a national public service campaign to recruit and train volunteer drivers. This would also fund a study to determine the effectiveness of a nationwide public awareness campaign on recruiting and training volunteer drivers that provide assistance to older Americans living in rural or suburban communities that lack the density for traditional mass transportation.
The Abyssinian Meeting House
Recipient: The Committee to Restore the Abyssinian Meeting House
Location: Portland
Amount: $1,700,000
Purpose: To support the restoration of the third oldest African American meeting house in the United States. The Abyssinian is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Kennebago Headwaters – Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture in Stetson Township
Recipient: US Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust
Location: Stetsontown Township
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To help conserve the headwaters of the Kennebago River and its outstanding fish and wildlife resources, including its heritage strain of Eastern brook trout.
University of Maine-Farmington Early Education Degree Program Expansion Recipient: University of Maine System/ UMF
Location: Farmington
Amount: $400,000
Purpose: To expand enrollment in the University of Maine Farmington’s early childhood education degree programs to expand Maine’s early childhood educator workforce.
University of Maine-Farmington Early Education Enrollment Expansion
Recipient: University of Maine System/ UMF
Location: Farmington
Amount: $600,000
Purpose: To expand enrollment for young children in the University of Maine Farmington’s nationally accredited early education and childcare programs.
Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital Emergency Department Modernization
Recipient: Blue Hill Memorial Hospital d/b/a Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital
Location: Blue Hill
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To support construction and equipment purchases needed to upgrade Emergency Department trauma and procedure rooms.
Land acquisition for the Stonington Water District Development
Recipient: Town of Stonington
Location: Stonington
Amount: $394,000
Purpose: To preserve working waterfront access for the fishing industry and to expand the municipal water system. This project involves acquiring a critical parcel of land in the downtown fishing harbor that is adjacent to the Stonington Sanitary District and that will increase public waterfront access.
Planning for the Future of Maine’s Lobster Industry
Recipient: Maine Department of Marine Resources Project
Location: Administered in Augusta (benefits multiple counties, especially coastal)
Amount: $765,000
Purpose: To support planning and industry engagement regarding management measures to protect endangered right whales and preserve Maine’s iconic lobster industry. Regulatory actions to protect the whales may have far-reaching impacts across Maine’s coastal communities and economy.
Chaffee Brook Pump Station Upgrades in Winslow
Recipient: Town of Winslow
Location: Winslow
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To increase the capacity of the Chaffee Brook Pump Station to eliminate combined sewer overflows and improve the health and sanitation conditions of the system.
Catalyzing Business Growth in Maine’s Marine and Agricultural Economy
Recipient: FocusMaine
Location: Augusta
Amount: $919,000
Purpose: To grow jobs in Maine’s food sector through scale-up programs that support growth-oriented food companies seeking markets for goods and services, an AgTech program that explores job opportunities at the intersection of agriculture and technology, and a comprehensive report based on input from industry and economists that fills information gaps in the sector.
Maine’s Entrepreneur Ecosystem Development
Recipient: Maine Development Foundation
Location: Hallowell
Amount: $747,000
Purpose: To promote new jobs and business start-ups in nine Maine communities, including Augusta, Bath, Belfast, Brunswick, Ellsworth, Gardiner, Houlton, Rockland, and Westbrook. These communities will undergo an audit process to identify gaps and opportunities to better build their entrepreneur ecosystem, and a comprehensive report for each community will be generated with prioritized action items for implementation.
University of Maine System Adult Transitions, Learning and Success Pilot Program
Recipient: University of Maine System / UMA
Location: Augusta
Amount: $945,000
Purpose: To support adult learners in their first year of college, including intensive advising, tutoring, financial literacy, and technology skills. This statewide program aims to help students persist and complete their degrees, access career opportunities, and meet Maine’s workforce needs. This program is operated out of the University of Maine-Augusta.
City of Augusta’s Project Recovery Pilot Program
Recipient: City of Augusta
Location: Augusta
Amount: $265,000
Purpose: To implement a pilot program centered on improving treatment and recovery resources for people struggling with for substance use disorders.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kennebec Valley Youth Center and Sports Facility
Recipient: Boys & Girls Clubs of Kennebec Valley
Location: Gardiner
Amount: $650,000
Purpose: To provide funding for the construction of a new youth center and sports facility. This project would provide safe, quality, reliable childcare and youth programs for children ages six weeks to high school, as well as serve as a senior citizen center.
Vassalboro – State Route 32
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Vassalboro
Amount: $800,000
Purpose: To repair Route 32 (Main Street) in Vassalboro, which serves as a connection from State Route 3 to Winslow and carries nearly 2,500 cars per day.
Renovation of Johnson Hall
Recipient: Johnson Hall, Inc.
Location: Gardiner
Amount: $411,710
Purpose: To support renovations of the Johnson Hall Opera House, built in 1864, including the installation of safety measures.
Augusta: Bangor Street Improvements
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Augusta
Amount: $4,800,000
Purpose: To improve safety of a section of Bangor Street in Augusta, including for pedestrian and bicycle use. There have been at least 16 pedestrian and 10 bicycle crashes on this section of roadway in the last 10 years, including a fatal pedestrian crash.
Isle au Haut Thoroughfare
Recipient: Army Corps of Engineers
Location: Isle au Haut
Amount: $100,000
Purpose: To begin the Environmental Assessment and related processes to prepare for a maintenance dredging of a 60-year-old federal navigation channel.
George’s River in Thomaston
Recipient: Army Corps of Engineers
Location: Thomaston
Amount: $75,000
Purpose: To conduct a survey of the channel and anchorage of the George’s River to prepare for a maintenance dredge.
Rockland Commercial Fish Pier Redevelopment
Recipient: City of Rockland
Location: Rockland
Amount: $1,500,000
Purpose: To make repairs and resiliency improvements necessary to continue to provide safe and affordable working waterfront access for the region at this municipally-owned facility. The pier needs major deck, structural and electrical work typical of similar facilities at this stage of life, in addition to site stabilization.
Camden – US Route 1 Transportation
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Camden
Amount: $10,000,000
Purpose: To reconstruct a section of US Route 1 to address deficiencies with safety, mobility, pavement structure, drainage, pedestrian access, ADA compliance, and bicycle access. Route 1 is a highly used commuter route for the regional workforce and plays a role in providing a link to the passenger ferry terminals in Lincolnville and Rockland, both vital to the coastal islands.
Midcoast Law Enforcement Equipment Purchasing Program
Recipient: Midcoast Council of Governments
Location: Damariscotta (serving Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo Counties)
Amount: $900,000
Purpose: To create a law enforcement equipment purchasing program for communities across Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties. Many smaller communities do not have the resources to request federal funding independently.
Building the Next Generation of Maine’s Seafood Workforce
Recipient: Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center
Project Location: Walpole
Amount: $977,000
Purpose: To establish a comprehensive community college training program at Washington County Community College and Southern Maine Community College for Maine’s seafood workforce. The curriculum will include seafood processing, logistics, transportation, marketing, and sales.
Edgecomb to Boothbay – State Route 27
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Lincoln County (Edgecomb to Boothbay)
Amount: $8,000,000
Purpose: To fund roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements on State Route 27.
Rumford Fire Station
Recipient: Town of Rumford
Location: Rumford
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To construct a new Fire Station to replace the Central Fire Station built in 1923, which is structurally compromised and at increasing risk of total collapse. The current facility does not allow for modern equipment to fit inside and has significant damage to the concrete floor, foundation, and load-bearing walls.
Eastern Slope Regional Airport Runway Improvements
Recipient: Town of Fryeburg (Sponsor)/Eastern Slope Airport Authority (Operator)
Location: Fryeburg
Amount: $3,500,000
Purpose: To extend the runway in accordance with the FAA-approved Master Plan to permit aircraft to operate under wet or contaminated conditions.
Corinna Fire Department Fire Station
Recipient: Town of Corinna
Project Location: Corinna
Amount: $1,725,000
Purpose: To relocate the Fire Department to a larger, town-owned building that is better suited to meet the town and surrounding communities’ emergency and safety needs. The current building is small, crowded, and in need of repair. The Fire Department serves the towns of Corinna and Exeter, which are two rural communities, and has mutual aid agreements with six surrounding towns.
Advanced-Manufacturing Materials Research
Recipient: University of Maine
Location: Orono
Amount: $10,000,000
Purpose: To construct a digital research Factory of the Future to advance large-scale, bio-based additive manufacturing using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, high performance computing, and collaborative arrays of large 3D printers and subtractive systems. The facility will drive innovation and new technology development in affordable housing, clean energy, construction, transportation, boatbuilding, and furniture industries. The Factory of the Future is an initiative of UMaine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center. The funding includes $10,000,000 Senator Collins secured in the Fiscal Year 2022 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill and $25,000,000 in the Fiscal Year 2022 Defense Appropriations bill, which brings the total FY2022 funding available for this initiative to $35,000,000.
Strengthening Local and Regional Seafood Systems for Resilient Communities
Recipient: University of Maine
Location: Orono (statewide reach)
Amount: $2,000,000
Purpose: To build a consortium of researchers, government officials, technical assistance providers, and fishing community partners to support local and regional seafood systems. Catalyzing these systems will help to ensure the seafood sector is resilient to future shocks and will also contribute to the economic prosperity of coastal communities.
UMaine Wood-fiber Insulated Panels for Modular Construction and Retrofit Applications
Recipient: University of Maine
Location: Orono
Amount: $2,000,000
Purpose: To research and develop a novel manufacturing methodology for structural, environmentally sustainable, and energy efficient roof and wall construction assemblies. This research has the potential to improve the performance and affordability of newly-constructed energy efficient buildings and enhance the energy-efficiency of existing buildings.
UMaine Managing Invasive Emerald Ash Borer
Location: Penobscot County/ Orono campus
Amount: $300,000
Purpose: To support the University of Maine’s work with private landowners, Tribes, and other partners to plan for, manage, and mitigate Emerald ash borer. Emerald ash borer is a highly-invasive beetle from Asia that infests and kills North American ash species and threatens Maine’s ash trees.
Business, Agriculture and Rural Development (BARD) Technical Assistance Pipeline
Recipient: University of Maine System
Project Location: Orono
Amount: $292,000
Purpose: For the University of Maine to develop a business education and technical assistance process pipeline for Maine’s small-scale agricultural producers. In this program, Maine business students will be trained to provide high-quality, in-demand business advising services directly to Maine’s small-scale agricultural producers to help them sustain and grow their businesses.
Oak Grove Sewer Subsystem Remediation Project in Brewer
Location: Brewer
Amount: $1,103,000
Purpose: To rehabilitate one mile of aging sewer to reduce and possibly eliminate combined sewer overflows to the Penobscot River. This project is a priority to the State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the US Environmental Protection Agency.
St. Joseph Hospital, Building an Age-Friendly Health System
Recipient: St. Joseph Hospital
Project Location: Bangor
Amount: $1,500,000
Purpose: To fund age-friendly facility renovations and safety improvements at St. Joseph Hospital, which will better support older adults and their caregivers.
Building Science Education in Maine
Recipient: Maine Discovery Museum
Location: Bangor
Amount: $500,000
Purpose: For a professional development program for elementary education teachers to improve classroom science instruction.
Agricultural Worker Training, Placement, and Support Program
Recipient: Eastern Maine Development Corporation
Project Location: Bangor
Amount: $600,000
Purpose: To develop a program, in collaboration with industry stakeholders, to train agricultural workers. Participants would develop the skills needed to work with the latest technologies in the agriculture industry.
Northern Light – Mercy Hospital McAuley Women’s Recovery Program
Recipient: Mercy Hospital
Location: Bangor
Amount: $510,000
Purpose: To support the renovation of a facility to better support women in recovery from substance use disorders with clinically-oriented recovery services.
East Millinocket Industrial Complex Redevelopment
Recipient: Town of East Millinocket
Location: East Millinocket
Amount: $2,851,000
Purpose: To repair and renovate a former paper mill site to accommodate transportation, shipping, and receiving via train and truck traffic. This project is part of an effort to revitalize the area, which has experienced economic hardship since the mill’s 2014 closure.
Katahdin Region Economic, Community & Family Development
Recipient: Eastern Maine Community College
Location: East Millinocket
Amount: $4,000,000
Purpose: To expand and renovate the Katahdin Higher Education Center to increase access to childcare and additional job training resources for families in the region.
Bangor Commercial Kitchen Incubator
Recipient: City of Bangor
Location: Bangor
Amount: $1,010,000
Purpose: To support agricultural producers and processors by funding the installation of a commercial kitchen incubator that would assist these entrepreneurs with business development and job creation throughout northern Maine in a professional, shared-use environment.
Remediation and Reuse Study of former GNP Wastewater Treatment Plant
Recipient: Our Katahdin
Location: Millinocket
Amount: $671,000
Purpose: To fund a study of the options for remediation and reuse of the wastewater treatment plant of the former Great Northern Paper Company.
Newport – US Route 2
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Newport
Amount: $4,000,000
Purpose: To improve safety and mobility in the area of the intersection of Route 2 and Route 7 in Newport. The intersection of US Route 2 and State Route 7 is a busy junction. There are several high crash locations in the area that would be addressed through this project providing safety benefits for motorists.
Northern Light C.A. Dean Hospital Rural Mobile Mammography Project
Recipient: Charles A Dean Memorial Hospital
Location: Greenville
Amount: $1,027,000
Purpose: To create a rural mobile mammography service that can serve rural regions of Maine that lack mammography programs.
Dover-Foxcroft, Dover Bridge #5118 Replacement
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Dover-Foxcroft
Amount: $7,200,000
Purpose: To replace a 91-year-old bridge that carries more than 2,000 cars per day over the Piscataquis River.
Regional PFAS Treatment Facility Anson Madison Sanitary District
Recipient: Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Location: Madison
Amount: $1,600,000
Purpose: To design and install a PFAS treatment system at the Anson Madison Sanitary District wastewater treatment facility. This facility would serve the entire State of Maine and safely address PFAS contamination in the state.
Skowhegan Run of River Project
Recipient: Main Street Skowhegan
Location: Skowhegan
Amount: $2,000,000
Purpose: To support construction of shoreline seating outputs, paved walkways and access trails, a riverfront promenade, and other infrastructure improvements to support the Run of River project, which is projected to generate significant and sustained economic activity in the region.
Pittsfield – State Route 11 Rehabilitation
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Pittsfield
Amount: $3,200,000
Purpose: To rehabilitate a section of State Route 11. This project would address deficiencies with safety, mobility, pavement structure, drainage, pedestrian access, ADA-compliance, and bicycle access. Main Street in Pittsfield is the primary North to South roadway in the town and carries over 3,000 vehicles daily.
Town of Madison Forest Products Hub Economic Revitalization
Recipient: Town of Madison
Location: Madison
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To construct an Anaerobic Digester that would convert organic feed stock into renewable biogas at the site of the former UPM paper mill. This project, which is located in an Opportunity Zone, is expected to help generate economic development in a rural area that is still contending with the 2016 loss of the mill – its largest employer.
Searsport Harbor
Recipient: Army Corps of Engineers
Location: Searsport
Amount: $1,650,000 ($5.85 M total; $4.2 M was included in the President’s request)
Purpose: Funding to complete maintenance dredging of Searsport Harbor and to maintain the navigation channel.
Belfast Sewer Line Replacements
Recipient: City of Belfast
Location: Belfast
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To replace segments of an aging sewer line in Belfast.
Searsport – US Route 1 Reconstruction
Recipient: Maine Department of Transportation
Location: Searsport
Amount: $9,200,000
Purpose: To reconstruct a section of US Route 1 in the town of Searsport to address deficiencies with safety, mobility, pavement structure, drainage, pedestrian access, ADA compliance, bicycle access, and parking. US Route 1 through Searsport is one of the last remaining sections that are considered “unbuilt” in mid-coast Maine.
Belfast Street Improvements
Recipient: City of Belfast
Location: Belfast
Amount: $972,000
Purpose: To fund street improvements in Belfast.
Town of Machiasport Public Works
Recipient: Town of Machiasport
Location: Machiasport
Amount: $1,125,000
Purpose: To replace a public works facility in Machiasport, to store and maintain critical town public works equipment. The new site will be located close to the Municipal Complex, which will improve collaboration with other town services.
NSA Cutler Firehouse – Planning and Design
Recipient: Naval Support Activity Cutler
Location: Cutler, Maine
Amount: $2,500,000
Description: Proposed project will provide for the planning and design of a replacement fire house for Naval Support Activity Cutler. The current station is approximately 70 years old and is not sufficient to meet the needs of the installation, which is 20 minutes away.
Machias Airport Environmental Review and Property Acquisition
Recipient: Town of Machias
Location: Machias
Amount: $1,250,000
Purpose: To acquire land for a longer runway at Machias Valley Airport, which would facilitate LifeFlight, the lifesaving medical/emergency air transport for the region. This development would allow Lifeflight to respond to emergency service in this rural region, and provide critical care and lifesaving services.
Town of Danforth Downtown Revitalization
Recipient: Town of Danforth
Location: Washington
Amount: $120,000
Purpose: To support economic redevelopment and community revitalization in Danforth by funding construction of a public community space, the relocation of an existing playground, and property surveys to inform future plans on the site, which will also include a fishway.
Berwick Water Utilities Upgrade
Recipient: Town of Berwick
Location: Berwick
Amount: $2,800,000
Purpose: To upgrade a water treatment plan to remove a high concentration of manganese and reduce the disinfection by-products in the water.
Saco Water Resource Recovery Resiliency Project
Recipient: City of Saco
Location: Saco
Amount: $3,930,000
Purpose: To complete the initial phase of the Water Resource Recovery Resiliency Project. The existing facility has experienced back-ups and flooding. Upgrades are needed to help improve the existing system and protect the Saco River.
Old Orchard Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility and Pump Stations Upgrades
Recipient: Town of Old Orchard Beach
Location: Old Orchard Beach
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: To upgrade Old Orchard Beach’s wastewater treatment facility and four of the existing pump stations.
York County Emergency Operations Center
Recipient: York County Emergency Management Agency
Location: Alfred
Amount: $850,000
Purpose: To construct a Strategic Coordinating Center/Emergency Operations Center. The Center will improve disaster preparedness and response by providing a logistics planning and resource management area for emergency operations. The funding requires a 25-percent non-federal cost match.
York Hospital Recovery Center: Opioid Treatment, Prevention & Recovery Supports
Recipient: York Hospital
Location: York
Amount: $155,000
Purpose: To expand substance use disorder prevention efforts, improve access to treatment, and strengthen recovery resources and supports in southern Maine.
Downtown Berwick Safety Improvements and Revitalization
Recipient: The Town of Berwick
Location: Berwick, ME
Amount: $3,142,000
Purpose: To increase vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle safety and access throughout the area, consistent with the recommendations of the 2019 Berwick Downtown Vehicle, Bicycle and Pedestrian Study.
Eastern Trail Engineering Design
Recipient: Eastern Trail Management District
Location: York County
Amount: $700,000
Purpose: To undertake engineering design for a new 11-mile segment of the Eastern Trail that would connect to the southern terminus of an off-road trail in Kennebunk, through Wells and into North Berwick. The proposed project would support the development of an active transportation corridor and recreational trail that offers significant social, economic, and environmental benefits.
Perkins Cove Revitalization Project
Recipient: Town of Ogunquit
Location: Ogunquit
Amount: $2,850,000
Purpose: To reconstruct the iconic Perkins Cove Pedestrian Footbridge and Harbormaster’s Quarters, which provide the only southerly access to the numerous small businesses located in and adjacent to the Cove.