“Just For The Health Of It” Community Discussions with Doug Dunbar
Posted on December 21, 2020 | Success Stories
** If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use, there are local resources available. You can reach out to Ashley Pesek at Opiate Free Island Partnership by dialing 207-367-5850 to be connected with these resources in a safe, confidential manner. **
Doug Dunbar is one of the few people (maybe the only person) who can say that he has had dinner at both the White House and at Penobscot County Jail. Today, Doug is in long-term recovery and is working at Eastern Maine Development Corporation to bring workforce opportunities and support to countless people in our area. We discuss how jail impacted his work now, what workforce opportunities are available and how people can access career help. This is a story of hope and hard work. It is also a reminder that substance use can affect anyone of us no matter our economic, education or family history.
Eastern Maine Development Corporation “Connecting with Opportunities” Initiative
From the EMDC website:
If you’re someone who has been impacted by opioid use disorder and needs help, email OpportunityGrant@emdc.org or call EMDC’s Workforce Development Specialist, Doug Dunbar at (207) 299-5626.
If you’re an employer or service provider that would like to partner, email OpportunityGrant@emdc.org or call EMDC’s Workforce Development Specialist, Doug Dunbar at (207) 299-5626.
For general information, email OpportunityGrant@emdc.org.
Doug recommended:
TED talks by Johann Hari
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey