EMDC Launches Youth Workforce Program
Posted on February 4, 2018 | Press Releases
kharmon@emdc.org • (207) 942-6389
Eastern Maine – Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) is launching a new Youth Work Experience Program for individuals who reside in Penobscot, Piscataquis, Washington and Hancock County. Individuals between the ages of 16-24 are eligible for the program depending upon other qualifications that can be determined during a screening meeting.
Once accepted for the Work Experience program and matched with a participating business, the trainee will work between 180-250 hours at that business while they earn a paycheck from EMDC. The program gives individuals get hands-on experience that builds their workplace skills while becoming familiar with new businesses and industries.
EMDC is actively seeking employers to host individuals for a work experience. EMDC will pay the full wages for the work experience. “The program gives business owners the chance to fill workforce needs while giving individuals the opportunity to learn the skills they need to be successful and further their careers”, said EMDC’s Director of Workforce Services, Susan Cerini.
To learn more about the Work Experience program, please contact EMDC’s Director of Workforce Services, Susan Cerini, by phone at (207) 561-4044 or by email at scerini@emdc.org.
Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) is a non-profit organization that provides workforce services to businesses, communities and individuals in Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock and Washington Counties. The organization also offers statewide business assistance and lending programs. EMDC encourages collaboration and fosters the creation of a thriving economic climate.