EMDC Issues RFP: Snow Removal Winter 2019-2020
Posted on November 4, 2019 | Press Releases
Eastern Maine Development Corporation is currently requesting proposals for the snow removal, sanding and ice melt services for the winter months of 2019-2020 (November 2019– April 2020).
General Conditions
- The work to be accomplished by this project is as outlined by the specifications, general conditions, general requirements, plans, and instructions to bidders, herein referred to as the contract documents which become the “Contract”. Interpretations of the contract documents may be requested and will be provided, in writing, to all bidding firms, providing such request is made in adequate time prior to bid due time. Explanations or interpretations made orally will not be considered as binding.
- The Contractor is responsible for any required permits, fees, notices, etc. for any federal, state, or local government agency having jurisdiction over the project.
- Before being awarded a Contract, the successful bidder shall have properly licensed operators in their employment, if other than the Contractor will operate snow removal equipment.
- The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining an environment in compliance with all rules, regulations, and codes covering an occupied public facility.
Base Proposal
- This scope of work is for our main office, located at 40 Harlow Street, Bangor Maine 04401. This would include plowing of the parking lot, parking/loading area down below near our garden area. Shoveling all walkways including the two bridges at the rear of the building. Sanding/salting of parking lot, lower lot and all walkways.
- Snow plowing, shoveling, and/or de-icing coverage begins when approximately 2″ of snow has fallen and will continue at periodic intervals throughout the storm. This applies to both seasonal and per visit agreements. These services will be performed, at the discretion of the contractor, during an active storm depending on the snowstorm’s length and severity. It is understood that depending on the length and severity of the ice or snowstorm that it may take the contractor varying amounts of time to fulfill all work covered under this agreement. Eastern Maine Development Corporation and its renters’ hours of operations are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. It will be expected that parking lot(s) and walkways will be clear and ready for employees and the public to enter safely promptly at 8:00 AM.
- The contractor will be responsible for the following: damage to existing landscaping or any damages that occur to asphalt, concrete or stone surfaces because of their snow plowing, shoveling and/or de-icing services. Contractor assumes all responsibility for vehicles parked or in areas to be plowed. The contractor must notify Eastern Maine Development Corporations point of contact within 24 hours of any damages, problems that may have occurred. Contractor will be liable for any damages caused by his or her service. Contractor will be required to take pictures of damaged concrete asphalt etc. and provide a copy to Eastern Maine Development Corporations point of contact. In the event of extreme conditions (excessive snowfall totals), or if it becomes necessary to move or remove piles of snow, this work will be done on an hourly basis using the hourly rates spelled out on the bidder’s proposal form. There will be a maximum of one hour allowed for equipment loading, destination charges, equipment unloading, and returning equipment. These services will be rendered at the discretion of the Eastern Maine Development Corporations point of contact.
- Extreme snow conditions may require services which could include the use of a loader/tractor or skid steer to remove or pile the snow. This work will be performed only after notification from the point of contact.
General Safety Requirements
- Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, and codes, relating safety and health measures in performing work under this contract.
- During the performance of work, the contractor shall advise Eastern Maine Development Corporations point of contact of any special safety restriction he or she has established so that Eastern Maine Development Corporation personnel can be notified of these restrictions. The contractor shall permit safety inspections of all work being performed.
- The Contractor shall provide for the safe, careful, and efficient operations of all tools and equipment, in compliance with all manufacturers, recommendations.
- All tools and equipment shall be in good operating condition and properly calibrated.
- Contractor will maintain a complete inventory of all chemicals in use, to include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s) for each product. Per OSHA requirements, contractor will maintain this documentation on-site where the products are in use.
- The contractor
shall provide proof of insurance prior to award and maintain during the life of
this contract. A copy of insurance must be included with the proposal:
- Complete Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance in the following amounts: Bodily Injury – $1,000,000 per Person / $1,000,000 per Occurrence Property Damage – $500,000 per Occurrence / $500,000 Aggregate
- All drivers must possess a valid Maine Driver’s License
Requests for Information: Any questions regarding interpretation or intent must be made in written form. Questions should be emailed to Accounting, accounting@emdc.org
Bid Submissions: Can be mailed to 40 Harlow Street Bangor, Maine 04401 ATTN: Ashley Bubar. Can be emailed to accounting@emdc.org please include Winter Services in the subject line. Can be faxed to 207.942.3548 ATTN: Ashley Bubar.
Point of Contact: Jeffrey McCue, Facilities and Maintenance 207.659.4987
Invoices and Billing: Mail all invoices to: Eastern Maine Development Corporation, 40 Harlow Street Bangor, Maine 04401 ATTN: Accounting. Invoices can also be emailed to accounting@emdc.org Invoices can also be faxed to 207.942.3548 ATTN: Accounting.