Eastern Maine Development Corporation hiring Economic Developer to serve Katahdin Region
Posted on December 18, 2018 | Katahdin Success Stories
BANGOR, Maine (WABI) – Eastern Maine Development Corporation is hiring an Economic Development Director that will serve the Katahdin Region.
The idea came when members of the community brought it to the attention of the Katahdin Region Development Board.
“Look at Bucksport and Lincoln, and Old Town and East Millinocket and Millinocket and all these places are really doing well because they are doing it on their own and coming up with ideas but having a designated person there to support the community and to reach out I think is really key.”
The position will focus on Katahdin region’s economic development for the future.
The director will serve as a link between businesses, industries, community groups, developers, and funders.
“Someone who actually has grant writing abilities but also is able to work with the public in the communities. I am looking forward to having this person really get to know the Katahdin Region if they already don’t know it and to really work with businesses and the different communities to promote economic development.”