Eastern Maine Community College to hold distance site nursing Info session at Katahdin Higher Education Center
Posted on May 26, 2021 | Success Stories
EAST MILLINOCKET — Eastern Maine Community College will be holding a nursing program information session at the Katahdin Higher Education Center on Tuesday, June 1 from 3–5 p.m. Anyone who is interested in joining the next KHEC Distance Site Nursing Cohort is encouraged to attend call 207-746-5741 to RSVP.
In attendance will be Director of Admissions at EMCC, Stacy Green; Associate Academic Dean, Deb Rountree; and Kelsey Gosselin from the Maine Educational Opportunity Center to help attendees with their FAFSA. Workforce Development Staff from Eastern Maine Development Corporation will also be present to discuss additional resources to assist students in this program.
Eastern Maine Community College’s Nursing Program has an impressive track record of NCLEX pass rates and job placement percentages after graduation with 100 percent for both from 2017-19.
“Hospitals in the rural parts of the state really struggle to attract a qualified workforce,” said Rountree. The distance program serves people who have ties to the community because of family or work commitments and can’t necessarily travel to Bangor for class, she goes on to say. Students are able to do their clinical rotations at Millinocket Regional Hospital. According to Peter Jamieson, economic development director of the Katahdin Region Economic Development Board, “This program is a great opportunity for economic growth. For our community members to have access to an education in nursing, right here, in the Katahdin Region is a great thing. These students are coming out of this program as skilled nurses and will be entering the local workforce, having a positive effect on our local economy. It’s a win in every way.”
EMCC and KHEC recently graduated 12 students last May and will begin with this new cohort in the fall of 2022, with pre-requisite work beginning this fall. The current students in the KHEC program will graduate in May 2022.
Contact Rountree at drountree@emcc.edu or call 207-746-5741 with any questions.