Bangor Art Society hosts annual show
Posted on June 12, 2020 | News
BANGOR – The Bangor Art Society is currently hosting its 145th annual juried show.
Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) allowed the group to have the show in its office to allow for social distancing.
According to Bangor Art Society President Teddi-Jann Covell, this may be the only in-person art show being held in the state.
“People were feeling really down,” Covell said. “Galleries are closed. Some are closed for good, not just an interruption of opening date or push back. They’re not even opening, so the Bangor Art Society felt it was very important to give this opportunity to local artists.”
Covell said 75 artists participated in the show with 138 pieces of art on display.
The show is open to the public through Monday.