Thanks to all our colleagues and guest for making our Annual Grants Conference a great success. With our state and federal partners providing insights , we guided nonprofit organizations, municipalities and others on the best way to find, apply and manage grants.
May 23, 2023
EMDC is hosting our 12th Annual Grants Conference that will provide an introduction to grants development including how to find, apply for, and manage grant awards. The conference will open with a plenary session featuring Ryan Fecteau, Senior Advisor, Governors Office of Policy, Innovation and the Future, speaking on housing, and economic and workforce development. The morning session will include a basic introduction to matching a project to funding streams, preparing a compelling and competitive grant application, fostering project partnerships, and creating a realistic budget tied directly to project costs. The afternoon session will bring federal and State partners to speak about the specific eligibility and application requirements for their agency (Economic Development Administration, Northern Border Regional Commission, State of Maine DECD).
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